Title: Stack Domination
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/s-u/stackdom.zip
Size: 526.04 KB
Date: 08/01/13
Author: BloodyAcid
Description: "Stack Domination" is a singleplayer Boom compatible map.


It was the biggest scandal of the year; the UAC, Union Aerospace Corporation, a powerhouse in spearheading expeditions on Mars, was revealed to have participated in both human experimentation and illegal nuclear material handling. Not too long after, governmental pressure and active lobbyists have crippled the once massive enterprise - the dozens of bases and facilities have been claimed and refurbished by the government workers despite the demonic presence.


Thirty-five years later and the ancient UAC's existence remains solely in childrens' textbooks and online archives, yet the illegal shipments of nuclear sludge have continued to thrive. Tasked with exploring one of the most intricate extensions of the old UAC complexes, the old processing station demonstrated signs of cultist activities; pipes are interwoven around libraries of magical jargon. At this point, the government couldn't care less: the outpost is far from civilization and doesn't seem to contain any valuables. As per their declaration of humanities and whatnot, they've fulfilled their obligation to "claim" this base with one lone marine.

Difficulty: Medium-high Monster Count: 750~ Length: 35:00 approximately

Thanks for your time, and enjoy the map.
Credits: People who've tested my map, namely, Memfis, Ribbiks, mouldy, gggmork, Demon of the Well, Caleb13 and some others.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A month and a week.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2, Slade 3.
Bugs: A few texture misalignments here and there. Hopefully I've ironed them all out.
Rating: (6 votes)
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Ammo was a bit scarce, but some planning and infighting made it more fun. The visuals were decent, but nothing new. Good use of teleport traps, but it was a little long overall.x
ammo is extremely scarce in this map. map was also a bit confusing to navigate at first. 3/5.x
Impressive and challenging on UV. 4/5x

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