Title: Ultima Doom
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/s-u/ultima.zip
Size: 8.21 MB
Date: 03/22/18
Author: Ron
Description: This is an ultimate doom wad replacing thy flesh consumed. Featuring the pretty unique works of a life time. At this i actually came with ideas for these maps starting with inspiration from alien resurrection and final fantasy 8. And now with some underwater stuff too.

Starting with the monsters now. the lost souls hp goes up to 300 while the spider mastermind has a super machine gun even though. the first ultimate doom wad to feature the icon of sin and for the enhanced demons, there colours range from levels 3 to 8 so here they are...


(Green skin pink blood e4m3) =========================== (White skin pink blood e4m4) =========================== (Beige skin beige blood e4m5) =========================== (Blue skin yellow blood e4m6) =========================== (Black skin indigo blood e4m7) =========================== (Salmon skin purple blood e4m8)


And finally. for the gameplay will be challenging this time You will be carrying less ammo from now on. Even when the backpack will increase your ammo capacity
Credits: Stephen clark for the alphabet. acs scripts. and also credits to Jason farlow for the laser textures
Base: Creativity influences me
Build time: 6 Months
Editor(s) used: Doom builder slade and xwe
Bugs: In e4m1 the runaway script at the exit with the cacodemons kept terminating before the encounter so i had to replace it, i've managed to fix the 5th script for e4m1 where you encounter the cacodemons, but if the runaway script keeps terminating, let me know
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