Title: Ultrawad
Filename: levels/doom/Ports/s-u/ultrawad.zip
Size: 29.75 KB
Date: 06/21/14
Author: Memfis
Description: no challenge so toggle fastmonsters if you need
Credits: Everybody
Base: New from scratch
Build time: I don't remember
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.68 or 2, XWE, maybe Slade
Bugs: There will always be bugs
Rating: (8 votes)
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Sort-of clone based on E2M1 & E2M5. Basically not too bad, but nothing special, and nothing new. Has a lot of texture misalignments. Gameplay is not really bad, but has nothing to remind - except that UV is as easy as stampin' on kittens (C. Carmaggeddon 2). Overall: closer to meh than average.x
You shoot some imps and zombies with pistol, then you get a shotgun and you shoot some more, and then the map ends. Nice layout that moves player through varying levels of the same rooms, but otherwise unremarkable, simple and boring.x
Played it, enjoyed it. Well detailed with an old school feel.x
Level looks pretty good. I didn't notice many off textures or out-of-place textures. Lots of running around to hit switches, but not too much. Ammo and health are hard to hold on to, making a good challenge. Level doesn't outstay its welcome. Well-done, I would say. Not outstanding, but a welcome addition to my Doom experience.x

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