Title: balllock.wad
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/b-lock.zip
Size: 23.8 KB
Date: 06/21/94
Author: Jeff Blank
Description: A short trip through E2M1. This is definitely nothing wild or exciting, but I figured that as long as I went through the trouble of making this, I might as well share it. It's actually kind of easy, even on ultra-violence, but hey, what the hell....
Credits: id, Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber, Dave Kerr
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: A couple weeks of off-and-on work
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.0, 5.1b3, 5.1a, 5.21gcc, 5.21; BSP1.1x
Bugs: Some monsters "wake up" for absolutely no reason
Rating: (7 votes)
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Not bad..., though not memorable.x
Bad: Some hallways are very large and empty; All armor is inside secret rooms, which makes the level rough if you miss secrets; Short and relatively linear. Good: Rewarding secret areas; Good monster placement and traps lead to nice, deadly ambushes; Decent detail in some areas; Good texture aligning; Supplies are portioned well. Overall: One of the only worthwhile 1994-era levels I've played. Recommended if you enjoy non-excruciating nostalgia. 4/5 -VVx
This is already in the database, as "fred", id=38. It's surprisingly good, allowing for its age, and mildly challenging even on UV.x
A true gem. Simplistic but sweet architecture (reminiscent of E1/E2), great secrets, and a wonderful layout. It never gets really hard -- although the ending can punish you if you're not careful -- but it's still violent. A perfect example of a (very!) old but fun map. --4/5x

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