Title: Her Belisha Beacon Erased Till Forwards
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/belishac.zip
Size: 242.14 KB
Date: 06/09/04
Author: Pablo Dictter
Description: the level is a simple base map.

started the level on early 2002 but never finished it because of no ideas and i was bored of doom. ever since then i'd been trying to get this level finished but i did very little work on it until it was finished. i had no idea i was ever going to finish it.
Credits: Tobias Münch for letting me use an unfinished wad for the level (the red key area and the corridors around it) and working a bit on the map too. also for comments and testing thanks man, you rule.
Base: New level from scratch + 2 tiny unfinshed maps
Build time: 2 years
Editor(s) used: hellmaker v1.2b2 - wadauthor v1.3 - DEU5.21
Rating: (14 votes)
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