Title: BIG BOY
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/bigboy.zip
Size: 100.55 KB
Date: 05/12/99
Author: Paul Corfiatis
Description: Originally designed for Doom2 (before I even started the twilight Zone 1) but converted to Doom1 because it had lots of nazi's and Wolfenstein textures in it. This is a big level with lots of monsters (303) but lots of health and ammo too. I started this level in March 1997 (When I was 15), 2 years ago but I thought it was good enough to release anyway. Experts shall have no problem of completing this level and It will challenge first day doomers.

If you find this level too easy on UV play with the -fast option or try it on Nightmare setting.

In 1997 I wasn't a really skilled player so all my levels flooded health. I have always loved Barons, so watch out.

Slow on 486's. Because it was originally designed on a 486.
Base: Modified older unreleased level of mine. Build Time I'm not exactly sure, 3 weeks?. Remember this level was done in 1997 so its not as good as my current levels.

Editor(s) used Doomcad 5.1 in 1997, 6.1 now., BSP 1.2 and 3.0 (x)

Known Bugs Savegame bug. Use a source port mod. HOM in bathroom mirror, done on on purpose to look like a wall mirror.
Build time: I'm not exactly sure, 3 weeks?. Remember this level was done in 1997 so its not as good as my current levels.

Editor(s) used Doomcad 5.1 in 1997, 6.1 now., BSP 1.2 and 3.0 (x)

Known Bugs Savegame bug. Use a source port mod. HOM in bathroom mirror, done on on purpose to look like a wall mirror.
Editor(s) used: Doomcad 5.1 in 1997, 6.1 now., BSP 1.2 and 3.0 (x)

Known Bugs Savegame bug. Use a source port mod. HOM in bathroom mirror, done on on purpose to look like a wall mirror.
Bugs: Savegame bug. Use a source port mod. HOM in bathroom mirror, done on on purpose to look like a wall mirror.
Rating: (4 votes)
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This is from 1997. You fight 303 baddies in a spartan techbase that's straight outta 1994; the design is clean and the textures are aligned but the gameplay isn't much fun. Mainly involves clearing rooms of shotgun men and barons with your single shotgun, which is tedious. There's a hidden plasma gun which barely makes things quicker and a BFG you'll never find in a million years. Ends in one of those cyber+spider+invulne rability sphere battles.x
A lot of this map is square and dull looking. The game play has its good and bad points, but all in all you can do better than this.x

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