Title: Blaze's Wrath
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/blaze1.zip
Size: 89.11 KB
Date: 11/20/04
Author: Brian J. "Blazkowicz" Rowan
Description: You must work your way through an onslaught of demonic creatures which have invaded a nuclear testing facility. Your goal is to enter the mysterious subterranean caverns from whence the demons came (E2M9) and destroy all the Barons who oversee the invasion force. Of course, you could always just waltz out the normal way... But what fun is that?
Credits: Due to the number of credits, they will be printed at the end of this file.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: * DOOM Edit Utility (DEU) Versions 5 - 5.21, both standard and DOS Extender (GO32/DJGPP) versions. * RG-DoomEd 1.1 (used to print hardcopy to aid in debugging) * BSP 1.1x by Colin Reed * REJECT 1.0 by L.W. Witek
Bugs: In the large "dining room" style area in the southwest corner of the map, there tends to be a little slowdown and an occasional sliver of a clipping error. But that's the node-builder's job, not mine.
Rating: (2 votes)
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Two maps. E2M5: A drab nukeage labyrinth that changes into a drab wooden labyrinth, that changes into a drab stone ... you get the idea. Snooze-o-rama. You have to find 9 secret doors to reach all parts of the map. Easy, if you're a psychic (or happen to stumble upon the automap early on). The yellow key is needed for the secret exit. E2M9: A great "slaughter map", 1994 style. :-) Looks pretty good to, set in a marble base. All in all: One boring map, one great map. --3/5x

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