Title: Carreg Cennan Castle
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/carreg.zip
Size: 57.48 KB
Date: 08/09/95
Author: Mike Weaver
Description: This is my very first level and all in all it didn't turn out too bad. The inspiration for this level came from the ruins of Carreg Cennan Castle near Llandeilo in Wales. I've tried to keep to the medieval method of defence, ie. lots of cross firing, narrow windows and plenty of cover for the defenders. I have been told that there isn't enough health and/or ammunition but hey, no-one's perfect. There are secrets to be found, they're not obvious, but the rewards are worth it. Enjoy!
Credits: Dave Singer and Nick Townsend for much needed help at times!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: EdMap V1.12 (easiest to use by far)
Bugs: Occasional long wall effects, some textures not right on staircases, but level exceeded my PC resources.
Rating: (1 vote)
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This is an alright castle map. The secrets are impossible to find without trial-and-error. Even the "normal" progression requires you to find unmarked doors, and has other quirks -- if you're not careful, you will miss the blue key and have to start over. The gameplay's okay: there are some traps and you're surrounded by sniping monsters on ledges and in windows. The design becomes a bit repetitive, though, with all the green marble. Not bad, but not great either. --2/5x

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