Title: The Catacombs (release 2)
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/ccombs.zip
Size: 25.2 KB
Date: 03/03/14
Author: Martin Bazley
Description: Centred around a tiny, winding, ever- changing system of tunnels. The difficulty levels are intentionally easy; in the future this WAD will form the first level of an episode replacement for Doom I. However, there are lots of puzzles to make up for it. --- Changes in release 2: Fixed ceiling height of first teleporter. Rotated step texture in exit room. Added a Supercharge, but you have to know where to look. Texture realignments and replacements. Changed light levels in dark room to be more realistic.
Credits: ID software (Doom) Eddie Edwards (RISC OS Doom) Justin Fletcher (Doom+, RISC OS BSP) Anthony J. Burden and Simon Oke (Deth) Lee Noar (RISC OS Deth) Colin Reed and Lee Killough (BSP) Big brother Chris (BSP front-end, web hosting)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: One boring Wednesday afternoon
Editor(s) used: Deth (version 3.92, port 1.00)
Bugs: None known, probably plenty unknown
Rating: (4 votes)
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In addition to post #1 (not me): nofi, but is this yet again another experimental level made in 1994 (or lookalike)? At least it shows all the bad symptoms. All. So please guys, PLEASE stop uploading all this old sh*t, it does not have any additional value now in 2014, you're waisting everyones time. 1/5 because in 1994 we didn't have decent wad editors as we have now.x
Ironically this is one of my brother's better-implemented maps but few areas break the seemingly-endless monotony of narrow and winding brown tunnels, so there is little sense of achievement or progress because each tunnel unlocked is indistinguishable from the last. The only enemies are imps and former humans so it's a breeze even on UV skill level.x
The lack of actual texture changes, and the absence of any sort of lighting on certain sectors, makes this WAD very difficult to play, especially when judging what direction you're facing, relying you to use your mini-map for most, if not all of the WAD. I can praise the small ammo pickups and lights in the ceiling towards the end, but, that's about it. 1-5 - K12x

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