Title: Alone in the Dark
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/claus_03.zip
Size: 127.73 KB
Date: 09/25/94
Author: Claus Nielsen
Description: This is quite a huge level. Not very tricky, or difficult for that matter. It's just plain fun "dooming"... Oh, and by the way; your monitor shouldn't be too bright when playing this level - that would spoil the effect of the dark areas.
Credits: The playtesters: Peter Madsen and Peter Bendixen. (Well, they're to blame if there's something wrong with this WAD :) Also the maker(s) of the great DEU521GCC. And Id Software, may they live long and prosper, (so they can make a lot of new games :)...
Base: My poor imagination...
Build time: A little week with 2-3 hours a day.
Editor(s) used: DEU521GCC - This is just a great tool!
Bugs: Well, I haven't found any. But feel free to send me some mail if you should discover something...
Rating: (4 votes)
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Large map from Aug 1994, those times when mazes and fighting barons in cramped corridors were hot. Rated as such: solid piece of work, must have given a lot of fun, so 4*. BTW Obviously nowadays it's completely outdated, but it is totally unfair to rate it as a 2015 map and give 0*, like ^ did.x
As you might expect from the readme, this is a big maze. Thankfully it's mostly well-lit, which raises its score to zero, but it's still a big maze; it feels computer-generated. Lots of single file corridors, about three or four slightly larger rooms, but it's a maze. The last and least of this author's three levels.x

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