Title: Cold Steel
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/coldstel.zip
Size: 82.87 KB
Date: 01/28/11
Author: Mr. Chris & Mr. Freeze
Description: Episode 2 map in the E2M4 motif. Approximate architecture construction ratio between authors is about 70% Mr. Chris, 29% Mr. Freeze and 1% Hellbent.
Credits: Doom Builder, Doomworld, Id Software and Doomworld forum members
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 weeks
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Rating: (10 votes)
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I didn't expect much from this, but I was positively surprised. The WAD's actually quite good; the architecture isn't outstanding (and the authors are no John Romeros), but the gameplay is fun, and it does have the E2 feeling to it. 4/5. - ZZx
What a good id map style. Even it's not great but at least it's worth to play. 4/5 -playerlinx
The pitfall of the DTWiD project is that most of the original maps are shit, barring E1. E2M4 being among the worst of all the maps in Doom, any attempt to recreate its design is sure to fail, as this did. 3/5 for adherence to the project guidelines, at least.x
@Teleport/Chaingun: I checked the lines and they seem to be OK. What port were you using? It works fine under ZDoom ports. -Mr. Chrisx
A teleporter near the chaingun (in that dark room) is buggy. It leads to a very small room with a door that can't be opened. The level was looking good... but I don't like getting stuck. You can fix it!x
5 stars. Honestly, this could have been pulled right out of Doom. I'd take this over big "packages of garbage" like Zero Day, Tarakinnik, Mobius, and a few others any day.x
This definitely fits the "Doom the Way ID Did" project it stems from. Great map and could easily have filled the original E2M4 without seeming out of place. I somewhat like Mr. Chris's decision to make his works for this project available on the archive in the meantime (it is not someone else uploading his files - these maps were uploaded by him - I verified this through PM). 5/5x

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