Title: Death to all DOOMERS !!!
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/complete.zip
Size: 22.22 KB
Date: 06/12/15
Author: Simon Plant
Description: After INFERNO, the demonic creatures have arrived on earth. You have been assigned to clear the US defence base at Atowa of its infiltraitors.
Credits: Martin Grisley, whos warped mind helped create this level.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DOOMED for Win, BSP11, DEU52
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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Yet another tech-style map from May 1994. Has a lot of flaws typical for those early mapping times. But also relatively good layout with height differences, secrets, some lightning variations and good fights @ UV. Considered as 2015-created map given nowadays standards, it would score far from even meh, but from a 1994 POV, playing it on a 386/486 @ 320x200 with only a kbd would have given a lot of fun.x
Quite good, sounds like a warmed up good early 90s maps. Perfect, especially for my custom marathon monsters. However, from today's standard, it would be a ok. ~3/5x

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