Title: Crawl's Crappy WAD
Filename: levels/doom/a-c/crawl.zip
Size: 23.4 KB
Date: 03/14/10
Author: Crawldragon
Description: You want a story? OK, here's your story: You wake up in a room with only your pistol. BAM. Now ride the elevator!

In all seriousness, this was my first WAD and it's largely experimental, so there's a lot of scripted stuff and elevators.

Best advice for winning: conserve as much ammunition as you can. Take advantage of secrets and hidden equipment.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder (version
Bugs: If you look around you'll see a window that looks into one of the hidden rooms. I have no idea how to fix this, so I'm cool with just leaving it there.
Rating: (11 votes)
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