Title: Doom IV: Daisy's Revenge
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/d4a.zip
Size: 68.01 KB
Date: 05/24/96
Author: Zhengyun Zhang
Description: "What the hell? What did they do to Daisy, my pet rabbit. Those bastards will pay for what they did to Daisy, they will," you cry out as you had just came out of Dys. You quickly teleported yourself to wherever they were at this time. And in this case, it's back to the deeper reaches of hell. You grinded your teeth and clenched your fist while you prepared to kick the living daylights out of hell itself.

This is the first in a series of D4x wads. Subsequent wads require previous wads.
Credits: Mathew Ayres, for making Waded. Bill Neisius, for making DMAUD and DMGRAPH Serge Smirnov, for making WADCOMP and EXTRACT ID Software, for making the coolest games
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded, Dmgraph, Dmaud, Extract, Wadcomp
Bugs: None yet.
Rating: (13 votes)
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