Title: E1M11-11-11: Travel on the 11th dimension
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dai-11sm.zip
Size: 82.07 KB
Date: 11/14/11
Author: Walter "Daimon" Confalonieri
Description: a special speed map made for celebrating the 11\11\11 day (actually day of Pocky in japan, Metal Day according to the Dio fan page on facebook and the birthday of the fictional anime charatcher Azusa Nagano), based upon the original game episodes style (but without E4) and also in the style reminds of original doom in some rooms, but mostly looks like a good map from 1994, only with better aligniment on textures and very few detailing cliches here and there. Enjoy.
Credits: ID, for the fancy game! My family People on Doomworld for recording FDAs and giving feedback on this weirdness
Base: New from Scratch
Build time: 3 hours
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder 2
Bugs: none. if you found any, mail me.
Rating: (7 votes)
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Not bad - but nothing special. The puzzle near the end was just odd. 2* -Phobusx
half-chuckled on the redundant switching turning. Layout was confusing and bland. Had some interesting texture mixtures, but overall not much to see here. 2/5 -FoHx
It was also Skyrim Day. And Homestuck Act 6 Day. Oh, and the 1918 Armistice Day, and Veterans Day/Remembrance Day. Also the Mexican Secretary of the Interior got killed in a plane crash. All these things that are about equally irrelevant to Doom as Pocky and Azuna Nagaso.x
Short but sweet. Easy to moderate challenge, not bad for a speedmap. 4/5x

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