Title: Death Flows Everywhere
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dethflow.zip
Size: 209.46 KB
Date: 06/12/96
Author: John Bullock
Description: In a compound with very leaky plumbing completely surrounded by a high chain-link fence, you battle slaves of the mighty ruler LIQUIDON to obtain your freedom.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, BSP 1.1, NWT 1.3
Bugs: A few insignificant HOMs
Rating: (5 votes)
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May this be a lesson to everyone to LABEL LOCKED KEY DOORS. If I wasn't using BOOM I never would have figured that out. And the Megaman-sounding remix of Maniac only made this weirder. But... it's ok. no lighting to speak of, just lighting effects. ~Consigx
Unfortunately boring to play, but visually interesting in some way.x
It's an interesting map with catchy music and some new graphics. It's obviously from '96, but I like it. 4/5 ~Joe Andersonx
A bright and cheerful-looking map, set in some sort of nukeage base with a blend of various themes. The new graphics makes the level feel fresh and visually impressive. The layout and progression follows a logical pattern, but you can still find yourself a little lost because of the symmetry. Many nice secrets. My only real complaint is that the gameplay can become a little boring, with almost exclusively small monsters and fights, and no traps. Recommended. --4/5x

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