Title: Tunnel11.wad (Not exactly what is meant easy...)
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmdtun.zip
Size: 22.06 KB
Date: 05/23/05
Author: Günther H. Baumann Micha
Description: You (and your friends stuck in old dungeon, it's dark, and it's ugly.

Beware of the monsters - they are very, very hungry today
Credits: Authors of DEU and BSP BSJ GmbH in Berlin (Germany) for testing this Wad under Novell and the coffee
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A hard days night
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.0, DoomeEd, BSP1.1
Bugs: None
Rating: (1 vote)
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A map built almost entirely with the STONE3 texture. Nearly no decorations at all, and many unmarked doors. Lots of resistance, with mostly smaller monsters, but with several Barons and Cacos, too. However, most of the monsters are stuck in each other, or the walls. There were one or two nice, cramped fights, though. All in all, a very forgettable map, with no eye-candy and too many stuck monsters. The authors themselves said it best: "It's dark, and it's ugly." --1/5x

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