Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmkurt.zip
Size: 125.56 KB
Date: 05/23/05
Description: Just a quick note to go with these four wads--I think that everything is ready to go--no bugs or unintentional traps. Thanks to the folks that helped play test these (some are still waiting to be tried in co-op and/or deathmatch mode)and to my wife, Carolyn who designed and developed some parts of these. If you enjoy these, drop me a note. These sorts of things take a bunch of time to work out and encouragement is helpful. I'm going to do a few more wads that I won't upload to the general public and (depending on response) maybe I'll just shoot them to who ever is interested. Of course, this costs bucks--hmmm, I'll have to work out something. On the books now: Jewel.wad and Reactor.wad. Thanks for downloading this! Kurt Schulenburg 76360,3125
Credits: Mega-Death Marty for playtesting
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Rating: (3 votes)
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I think Fred was my very first level in Doom, put together in 1993, hence the ugliness of it! (I got better...)(Man! 15 years ago!) JStuff10 is acutally the 10th version of a wad that took forever to design and playtest. Spiral was a lot of fun to make, the spiral design really took a lot of doing to the textures correct. Walls was one of those that probably had too much thought given to the design - and not enough to the playability. It still works. Kurt Schulenburg, 2008x
4 maps. FRED: Fun, violent, a little ugly though. Large arena with tons of monsters is the highlight. JSTUFF10: Wonderful, intricate design. Good looking, nice fights, ingenious secrets. SPIRAL: Very violent, complicated design, confusing but good nonetheless. WALLS: Least impressive, intricate design, but progression is really wierd and requires finding lots of secrets. Also much easier than the others. A strange helpless Cyberdemon at the end. Overall: Grades 3,5,4,2 gives a rounded average of --4/5x

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