Title: MUDWADS Yeah, thats rite. MUD WAD'S
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmmud.zip
Size: 112.61 KB
Date: 06/16/05
Author: Dave Swift
Description: MUD1ST.WAD - My first full length, feature epic type challenge worthy of anyones GOD mode. This beauty has more monsters and demons than you can shake four rocket launchers at. There's a key hidden that you need to get into the room that goes to the next level. All difficulties are the same... hard! There is a lot going on so this may tax some less than lightspeed machines but you got it all here. Some secret rooms will help you. Bigtime.

MUDTOWN.WAD - Second one here, this one does have an easier difficuly setting (easier than totally impossible) and has more acurate texture matches for all areas and more refined challenges. There's a key hidden that you have to find to get into the room to the next level. Watch out on Diff 3/4 - it'll work you! Diff 1/2 are the same - doable. Good luck.

MUDVILLE.WAD - Third one's the charm. Well, there are teleporters and more new stuff... for me to do anyway. A good technical game. No secret rooms to speak of but a real good challenge for the purist. Diff 1/2 are doable... not too hard actually. 3/4 are another story. Strap on the big gun. Loop around and catch the trip wire to the door. Hang on!

MUDMANOR.WAD - This one is more and better.... skill levels cover possible to impossible. Ample weapons in the possible levels. Perhaps enough in the more difficult "impossible" levels too. No keys but it is necessary to take the long way around to finish. Enjoy!

What's with Mud, you may ask. And well you may. I am Pres of The West Mountain Mudbrothers Mountainbiking Club and as such the word (and substance) have a great deal of significance in everyday life. Besides how else would you know for sure that it was the "Muds" work unless I made it obvious when you tabbed to map in strategic spots.
Credits: These were all created using "DoomEd - The Real Thing" created by Geoff Allan. It's shareware and available on line, takes all of a few hours to get into and you're off! Thanks also to David Bruni, who's DoomEd Tutorial really provided some instant insight and saved lots of time where I could of been flailing on my own. Thanks go to the folks at id who bear absolutely no responsibility for the way this file behaves, and as I have no control over your machines configuration, neither do I. Sorry, had to say that, I guess.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: "DoomEd - The Real Thing" created by Geoff Allan
Bugs: None
Rating: (6 votes)
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Four levels from June 1994. They're packed as E1M1 in four separate wads, so you can't play them in sequence. Mud1st is a boring set of poorly-textured square rooms, with 180 monsters and loads of BFG ammo. You need to find an unmarked secret door which is, ironically, one of the few properly aligned textures. The other levels are variations of this; mazey slogs against 180-or-so weak monsters, with your shotgun, and there are a couple of cyberdemons.x
Utiliser DoomGl pour meilleur rendement. contien 4 wad Mud1st = 1 vie fast, mudtown = 1 vie fast, mudville = le plus dur 2f + 3 UV et mudmandor 4f+ 2 UV pour un total de 3/5 - Eye'sx
Crap man!,more 1994 Shit!x
It's by Dave Swift. 'nuff said.x

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