Title: Overlord.WAD [ --> FILTH.WAD , CHUMP.WAD ]
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmovl.zip
Size: 75.57 KB
Date: 12/22/04
Author: Todd Smith
Description: You have been sent up to one of the latest moon bases to keep it from being beset from the strange creatures that have been coming from the teleporters. Your brother was on the first mission, sent to Phobos. He found something there that made UAC scared. The only trans- mission that you have gotten from him is the garbled message, "I..escap....rom..ell!". Now it is up to you to find out what happened.
Base: s to keep it from being beset from the strange creatures that have been coming from the teleporters. Your brother was on the first mission, sent to Phobos. He found something there that made UAC scared. The only trans- mission that you have gotten from him is the garbled message, "I..escap....rom..ell!". Now it is up to you to find out what happened.
Build time: 3-5 hours.
Editor(s) used: Deu 5.0 -5.1
Bugs: None
Rating: (3 votes)
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Pretty fun, you start in a "my house"-like environment but get to see some cooler areas later on. I exited with only 50% kills and 20% secrets so seems like there is a lot more areas to explore. Very easy but still nice.x
Two WADs but they're both of the same map (as far as I could tell). A nice, small base, set on an island with spatious cavern surroundings. Very easy, but a good progression, decent looks -- although the base section could have used some texture alignment -- and a couple of good secrets really help in making a good impression. A fine old-school map. --3/5x

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