Title: Scream Blood
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmscream.zip
Size: 13.66 KB
Date: 08/04/06
Author: Derek Peterson
Description: Go around killing everything insight, you must battle imps, sergants, soldiers, Barons from Hell, the Robo Dudes, and last but not least, Spider Demon! (Look for Two Secret Rooms! These are good if you're playing Deathmatch and you need to hide on your enemy.)
Credits: Jeff Young for giving me Doom Editor - The Real Thing, and to all the people That made Doom Editor - The Real Thing, easy and simple to use.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 5 hours
Editor(s) used: Doom Editor - The Real Thing
Bugs: The Last Level Switch is kinda messed up. You still will be able to tell where it is.
Rating: (6 votes)
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Good luck to the next un-lucky sod who tries this wad... The above reviews say it all...x
It is possible to beat this map without cheating, however, it's very hard. I had 5 shotgun shells left at the end. I had to make a Cyber and the Spidermastermind infight. Used the rest of my ammo on the spider and the last Cyber. Killed EVERYTHING else with berserk fist. That's the hard way of winning. The easy way is to simply turn around and "use" the wall, because this map is a poorly made piece of shit. 1/5x
A badly-designed run through featureless rooms, a spider mastermind and two cyberdemons (one of whom is stuck in the small room that he's in - with the exit switch through that very room!) There may be 2 BFGs in this level, but don't even think that you'll have enough firepower for this. Poorly balanced, bland, five stars. x
A badly-designed run through featureless rooms, a spider mastermind and two cyberdemons (one of whom is stuck in the small room that he's in - with the exit switch through that very room!) There may be 2 BFGs in this level, but don't even think that you'll have enough firepower for this. Poorly balanced, bland, one star.x

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