Title: Whatever
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmtarg.zip
Size: 24.02 KB
Date: 02/21/05
Author: Tony Priest
Description: I don't know really its just based on a common circular courtyard that looks like a target from above.
Credits: Rich Dersheimer for his tutorial!!
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu 5.0, Deu 5.21, BSP
Rating: (1 vote)
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A small map centered around a round courtyard, with some pretty good, medium sized fights. Doors will open up to the central area, revealing new groups of monsters -- leave them alive until the very end for a massive slaughter. Ammo and health are plentiful, the progression is completely linear, and the texturing is the standard, monotonous STARTAN stuff. Some hard-to-find secrets help a little, but not much. Oh, and I found the yellow key crusher trap to be very unintuitive. One to miss. --2/5x

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