Title: The Court Yard
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/dmyard.zip
Size: 47.07 KB
Date: 05/30/05
Author: Paul Pina
Description: This level I tried to get a tier effect. There are many hidden doors and Keys.(you will need 2) As in all my wads there is a hidden switch to end the level. Lots of bad guys a perfect level for 2 or more. Look for the key to open the hidden door that leads to the way out. Weapons availability You can get every where but remember teleporters have 4 sides... this means I can send you 4 a different way depending which side you use(BIG HINT) good luck let me know if you like it or hate It. (Chain gun, Plasma gun, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher)
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.1
Bugs: None
Rating: (2 votes)
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Yes, awful, and would be awful in Deathmatch. The blue key is easier to find with modern source ports that allow looking up and down. But the trial-and-error doors and multi-side teleporters are killers; this wad dates from a time when some people thought that the best way to entertain the player was to piss him off, viz Space Quest etc.x
A slight improvement over the author's previous maps (dminve/dmtele). There's still a shitload of ammo and health, with few monsters spread thinly over enormous rooms and areas. The courtyard and surrounding structures look decent; there are attempts at gameplay, even, with a Cyber fight at the end. Still, this pretty much sucks. You have to rely on trial-and-error to find vital doors, correct sides of teleporters, and keys (good luck finding the blue key without looking in an editor). --1/5x

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