Title: DOOM2NEW ---- Flaming 'Rroids of Mars.
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/doomajj.zip
Size: 139.78 KB
Date: 07/03/06
Author: ing and title information. The missing textfile has now been discovered and uploaded together with t
Description: Here are SIX new levels for episode 2. To play them you must copy the .WAD files, DOOM1-3 and DOOM4-6, to your Doom directory ( e.g. C:\DOOM ) and start Doom with the following command;


This will add the new Wad files to your game. If you ever want to play the original 2 levels of Doom then just type DOOM at the prompt.

These games can be played single or multiple players. Regular or Deathmatch. A 486 is recommended but not mandatory. I've spent a lot of time working on these levels and it is my firm belief that they do not suck. If you find them too hard, not hard enough or have any other comments I'd like to hear from you. DOOM rules.

Until next time remain Driven. 5000, Andrew J Jeffries FO581@cleveland.Freenet.edu
Base: New from scratch Jeffries has released E2M1 of this package a few months earlier separately as DOOMAJJ.WAD in DMMARS.ZIP
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Rating: (4 votes)
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Made in 1994, so rated as such. FOA: the amount of HOMS and other technical errors is plain hopeless. Besides that, the levels have even for a 1994 mapset simple layouts, simple texture use, very poor ambiance, a zillion of unmarked doors, and very poor gameplay missing any leitmotivs. E2M2 can be finished bypassing about 75% of the map. I seriously wonder if any playtesting has been done. Overall: authors ambition outweighted his skills, resulting in an awful amateurish mapset. 1* for the effort. /nofix
Award 5 stars to self? Let's fix that. Maps 1-3 are barely playable, doors that don't work and many places you get stuck. 4-6 marginally better, maybe 3 stars. But -2 for being a twit that floods lost souls everywhere.x
See my review for levels/doom/d-f/doom 1-6.zip. --3/5x

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