Title: Doom Castle
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/doomcas.zip
Size: 205.5 KB
Date: 06/15/96
Author: Jim Murken
Description: While you're backpacking in Europe a thunderstorm
Credits: Id, and the creators of DCK
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: Um, 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and 1 and
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.2, Dmaud, dmgraph,
Bugs: None so far (knock on wood)
Rating: (3 votes)
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I just love uncovering weird ass mid 90's wads from the archives lol Well there is not much to say about this wad. It is a typical 90's wad with all the narrow hallways, large outdoor grounds, unbalanced enemies/items/weapon s, missing textures and texture offsets. To all you new doomers out there, these aspects are all VERY common in early-mid 90's wads. If only people had easy to use editors back in the day, there would be less poor quality maps like this. I think 2/5 is a generous rating.x
This is just... awful.x
A large, boring map. Very monotonous and several mazes or mazelike parts, including a seizure-inducing pink(!) one. It just drags on and on... I was begging for it to stop. The texturing is dreadfully monotonous, and the fights consist mostly of picking off one small monster after another throughout the corridors. The progression was pretty good, though -- kind of tricky to figure out, but not particularly stupid or annoying. That new creeking door sound is among the most annoying I've heard. --1/5x

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