Title: The Enygma Disaster
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/enygma.zip
Size: 242.25 KB
Date: 04/01/97
Author: Pete Kolts (Psyborg)
Description: An invasion force has taken an old mining camp and converted it into a base in which to implement the destruction of our world. They constructed devastating explosives and chemical weapons. Their plan worked, and we were unable to stop them in time. The Enygma Camp became Ground Zero, your mission is to go there and eradicate the invaders, and set the self-destruct, guarded by 2 HUGE monsters which we have never enountered before. You must prevent a repeat of the Enygma Disaster.
Credits: Justin Rowe, Mike Gasperian for some design help ------------------------------------------------- Weird Al Yankovic, because I was listening to his albums whenever I was designing the level :)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 6 months on and off, although it didn't come out quite the way I wanted it to, some parts are kinda boring.
Editor(s) used: DCK v3.61, WARMDos-that crashed when the level BLOCKMAP was too big. Then I used ZenNode that comes with DCK. I used WARMDOS for the REJECT table
Bugs: 2 bugs: 1. the switch by the energy field, walk back and forth and keep trying to press it, it doesn't always work.

2. At the part with "Run" and "Run Fast" (you will know what I mean), DON'T TURN AROUND. If you do, it will crash the game and drop you to dos with a "visplanes overflow". So even with the Imps in the next room, don't fight them, just run.

Any other wrong things you find about it, please tell me! Also, please send any comments you have about it to me.
Rating: (2 votes)
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A Chore. It seems like they were trying to push the engine to see what Doom could handle, but they didn't focus on gameplay. When you first enter you're greeted with firesticks that you have to try and squeeze through.x
The readme made me do a little double-take with the use of "ground zero" a few years before September 2001. Level starts pleasantly enough for its time, but it follows a nice derelict train station with a huge and tedious underground maze, which is followed by another huge underground maze, and then a smaller maze (of cell blocks). Tedious, absolutely tedious. Other two levels are novelty arena fights, you can just run to the switch and leave.x

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