Title: Epic
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/epic-199409.zip
Size: 68.21 KB
Date: 10/24/21
Author: Thomas Subias
Description: "Epic, being my first playable level and such, has no definite theme. At first I was thinking of setting it inside a spacecraft but the level soon got out of hand. So don't waste your time trying to discern a unifying meaning; it isn't there. Also, for those curious about the title, it isn't a reflection on what I think about the size of the level. I generally name my levels after a song. Come to think of it, maybe I should have named it Room a Thousand Years Wide. One more note. On the difficulty settings, Ultra-Violent is meant to be played with god mode. Easy is easy and medium is ok but UV exists strictly to work out frustrations without going to jail."

The original TXT file is in the ZIP.
Credits: "Stefan Subias-- head honcho big mucka-muck playtester and complainer. Wakova Carter-- for help using deu, playtesting and editing. Matt Wenzel-- for supplying deu and being unworthy."

Funduke, Perseus and RL for the 1994 love.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: I'm not sure exactly how long Epic has taken--it has been spread out over several weeks, being built on and off. My estimation is about 45 hours, but that's just a guess.
Editor(s) used: DEU versions 5.21, BSP 1.0
Bugs: "None, but I bet if you look hard enough you'll find one." Three critical bugs involving sectors with zero tags unexpectedly "closing" like doors, or rather three instances of the same bug. The sectors involved are 136 (the hallway with the caged Cyber), 36 (the east walkway that eventually leads to the blue key) and 332 (exit chamber). This can get you stuck and there's HOM. Possible culprit is several doors (e.g. sectors 49, 52, 333 and 35) having either the front or the back linedef pointing the wrong way, like both pointing east or inwards. It is not clear why only some of the first-mentioned three sectors can be affected (and only sometimes), rather than all of those with zero tag.
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