Title: flash.wad
Filename: levels/doom/d-f/flash.zip
Size: 22.53 KB
Date: 05/12/94
Author: J.D. Frazer
Description: This is my first attempt at a big WAD file. I used mine1.wad as the basis for the map, changed a few linedefs and added a big section onto it. It's totally populated, and the four difficulty levels are active. It's also been set up for cooperative gaming. The level is ideal for deathmatches, as there are lots of rooms and windows and nooks and crannies to hide out in (good for a three on one!), but it might be a little hairy at the ultraviolence level. I've spent three days testing the hell out of it, so it should be bulletproof. As far as I know you won't get a single "hall of mirrors" effect anywhere on the map.
Build time:
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: The only glitch I've come across is the secrets tally. There *is* a secret room on this level, but if you find it the end-tally still shows 0%. If you know how to fix this, drop me a line.
Rating: (4 votes)
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^Items and enemies continually dissappear, i think this is due to scrots bleeding. As stated, this one's not too bad, just another MINE1 based wad.x
trigger that put into darkness entire level is bad surprise >>suffers from the "disappearing monsters/items" bug. what?x
It's not THAT bad, especially given its age, but still, unless you're a WAD archaeologist, you'll probably want to skip this. Also, suffers from the "disappearing monsters/items" bug.x

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