Filename: levels/doom/d-f/fortdoom.zip
Size: 51.22 KB
Date: 12/02/05
Description: Main Entrance to the DOOM Fortress!
Credits: The Guys at ID Software for making all of this possible. Colin Reed for BSP11x nodes Builder R. Quinet and B. Wyber for DEU 5.21
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21 / BSP11X
Bugs: NONE
Rating: (2 votes)
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This is dated July 1994. It's a simple castle-style level, and surprisingly for its time and genre it's not bad; you fight 200 monsters that mostly assail you in large groups, so the level of carnage is decent. Against it you get loads of weapons and ammo (don't bother conserving the plasma or rockets, you have plenty), it ends in a teleport maze, and it's easy. But I enjoyed it, and that's what counts.x
Not bad. Gameplay flows nicely, most of it takes place in open areas which make up most of this rather well designed piece. Most of it is just plasma slaughter though. 3/5 - Belialx

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