Title: Duel.WAD
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/d-f/duel.zip
Size: 34.89 KB
Date: 03/02/96
Author: Kyle J. Stewart
Description: There is nothing better than the stale smell of Gasoline, the oil stained chain, the grime that coats the sides with pride. The chainsaw is truly, a REAL man's best friend. I have been disappointed by the fact that I have never seen a D-Match level based around the art of chainsaw warfare, so I created DUEL.WAD. After passing through a narrow passage over HellWay Dam, you and your opponent meet in a small cage with just a pistol and a chainsaw. There is a Beserk Pack awaiting the quicker man in the center, otherwise wits and speed is all you have to survive.
Credits: The DEU Team, and my good friend and BETA tester, Graham Saathoff. (Gsaatoff@comet.net)
Base: d around the art of chainsaw warfare, so I created DUEL.WAD. After passing through a narrow passage over HellWay Dam, you and your opponent meet in a small cage with just a pistol and a chainsaw. There is a Beserk Pack awaiting the quicker man in the center, otherwise wits and speed is all you have to survive.
Build time: 2 hours
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21
Bugs: None
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