Title: Green Goblin's Deathmatch Levels (legalized version)
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/g-i/ggdeathl.zip
Size: 232.16 KB
Date: 09/30/06
Author: Green Goblin (aka Jim Thompson)
Description: The first 8 levels of this wad were created by me with the intention of using them in deathmatch mode with my buddies. I did try to build them so that they can be played in single mode, but I may have missed a few weapon stashes or monster dens that should be toggled for multi-player only.

There is a definite trend in the complexity of the levels from 1 to 8. This reflects the fact that I was just learning how to build wads at the first, and slowly got the hang of it by the end. [...]

The stat bar was based on one I found in the DOOM2 DOMAIN.WAD. I lost the text file that came with it, so apologies to the author. [Note by the uploader: That's 'Soliders Domain' by Kevin Roels, located in the /idgames-archives here: /levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/domain.zip . But Roels got it (the statusbar) apparently from INVADE1.WAD by Andy Chen and Claude Martins, located in the /idgames-archives here: /levels/doom/g-i/invade1.zip .]

The status bar face was built by my friend B^2, and the new wall textures are modified floor textures saved as walls. The new sky was something I generated in VistaPro, the menu lettering was generated in TrueSpace 3D Modeller (they didn't come out like I wanted, 320x200 resolution sucks :< ), and the new mission names were simply cut and pasted from the existing ones.

Phew! Well, I think that's it. I hope you enjoy it.
Credits: B^2 and the gang for play testing my new wads, Thanks guys!
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, Dmgraph 1.1, Dmaud 1.1, BSP 1.2x Picture Publisher 3.1
Bugs: -In M4, two of the multiplayer guys can be seen outside, even in single player mode. -Some levels are slow due to number of creatures. In particular, M6 is slow due to this, and the fact that so many planes are visible.
Rating: (1 vote)
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8 small DM levels, playable solo. M1-M3 & M6 are terrible, although mercifully short. M4 is OK but too short; has two unintentional voodoo dolls. M5 is a much larger underground maze, has semi-invulnerable Cacos, blah otherwise. M7 is similar, though improved by some nice recolors. M8 is a boat with multiple decks, passable execution. M9 was the original E1M1 with a couple more Sarges in the courtyard outside the green armor room, a Cyber in the main courtyard and the exit made fake à la E2M6. x

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