Title: Grease. Just because.
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/g-i/grease.zip
Size: 4.31 KB
Date: 06/20/94
Author: Python
Description: This is intended FOR DEATHMATCH ONLY. Other people can play it, but I dunno why you'd want to. Don't ask me why I made this - I have no way of actually deathmatching with anyone myself :( I would still appreciate any feedback. I basically came up with the idea and made it in about an hour. The idea is to have some fast paced action without suicide holes for wimps. All weapons save BFG are here, but you have to travel to get them. Take a look, anyways.
Credits: Id, DoomED author Geoff Allan, DEU contributors, Colin Reed (BSP author)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomED, DEU, BSP
Bugs: None. Lemme know if you find some.
Rating: (2 votes)
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What Doomkid said. You can only descend and then you hit a teleport and it brings you back up to the top. It gets 1 star because it was made in '94.x
A simple large outdoors square that decends towards the middle. It was done a few times before, and countless times since. 1/5x

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