Title: Joe's Deathmatch (Joe's.WAD)
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/j-l/joe_s.zip
Size: 26.96 KB
Date: 02/15/05
Author: Joe (Duh) - Joe's Garage BBS (206) 639-4370 (shameless plug)
Description: An new deathmatch wad for Doom II - Hell On Earth.. this one has all the weapons and plenty of trip wires, false walls and bonuses...........By Joe

This DOOM II level is kind of a rip-off of a Doom I level that I realy enjoyed playing. I say "kind of" because I haven't played the original for a few months and created this wad from scratch, based on my memory of it. Anyway, it was designed as a deathmatch but has monsters and will play as a single player level as well, all wepons are there and it requires two players to exit (no fair jumping to the next level while your opponent has his BFG down). there are only slight changes through the difficulty levels, but they're there. Good luck finding the pumping station and watch out for trip wires!
Credits: .
Base: d on my memory of it. Anyway, it was designed as a deathmatch but has monsters and will play as a single player level as well, all wepons are there and it requires two players to exit (no fair jumping to the next level while your opponent has his BFG down). there are only slight changes through the difficulty levels, but they're there. Good luck finding the pumping station and watch out for trip wires!
Build time: About 3 nights (yawn)
Editor(s) used: DEU2 (DEU 5.21 modified to work with doom 2)
Rating: (1 vote)
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