Title: KILL 'EM! v1.2
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/j-l/kill_em.zip
Size: 263.72 KB
Date: 10/10/95
Author: Martin Cox
Description: A strictly Deathmatch level (the ONLY way to play Doom!). Try single player and you'll die of boredom instead of demon attacks. Here's a basic rundown of things you will and won't find in this level.

Will find:
Perfect texture alignment
Nice lighting effects
Plenty of items, but nicely placed
Tricks to play
Hiding places
Large dark room, and dark niche in tunnel wall, both great for hiding and ambushes.
New music and sfx
10 Deathmatch starts
Hole in time ("hey, is it 1 a.m. already? I could have sworn that I've only been Deathmatching for half an hour!")

Won't find:
New graphics
Places to commit suicide (crushing ceilings, ooze, or barrels)
Monsters Death traps (places you can't get out of)
Split teleporter pads (bad floor alignment)
Nice people who aren't trying to blow your arse off.

This level contains a jail, which I thought was a novel idea until I saw WADODETH.WAD. Still, you can't see out of mine to defend yourself, so I think that at least that much is original. You can also escape, but it's not as if you're going to have time to do so, what with your opponent waiting for you with a loaded rocket launcher...

You start with a weapon right off the bat, or at least within runnin distance. All weapons appear on all difficulties. Either -ALTDEATH or Nightmare is suggested, for ammo reasons. For health, there are five medikits, a soul sphere (be careful getting it, though), a beserk pack, and about 20 health potions. Those should heal you.
Credits: Daniel Szöllösi-Nagy (a.k.a. Dunee); Raphael Quinet and Brendon Wyber; id Software; Bill Neisius; my father Geoffrey; and Terry Pratchett (author of the Discworld novels).
Base: New level from scratch. Why do otherwise?
Build time: Probably about 20 or 30 hours in front of DEU, and that includes the learning curve. Took me a while to translate from DOOM II to DOOM, as there are no utils to do so.
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, DMMUSIC 1.0 and DMAUD 1.1.
Bugs: Ant, Mosquito, Cockroach, Housefly.
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