Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/j-l/ledgy__i.zip
Size: 61.49 KB
Date: 03/07/96
Author: Craig Webb
Description: DeathMatch level for DOOM I, designed for DEATHMATCH 2.0 rules.

This wad is a follow up to my Ledge level. I hope you're a good jumper because I've provided a lot of unique leaps that you will need to make if you're going to get your hands on some decent weapons.

Special signals have been incorporated into the design of the level to increase the Frag rate on 2 player DM, without sacrificing 3/4 player DM enjoyment.

The level is divided up into 3 main areas - red, green and blue. The red and green areas contain rocket launches and the blue area contains the plasma gun. These three areas are connected via a central room which contains the BFG.

Here's how the signals work: Within each area/room are dark windows. This is where the signals will appear in the form of flamming torches of the appropriate colour.

For Example: If someone in the red area goes for the rocket launcher or some big ammo, then red torches will appear in various windows thru-out the level. Likewise a similar indication will be shown for activity in the blue and green areas.

Special bright flashing white lights indicate that someone is going for the BFG. People in the blue area are given the benefit of an early indication of this, and so are given an opportunity to stop their enemy (if they're fast enough :)

I advise you to have a look around in single player mode before playing DM, and practice getting the weapons (and the 200% armour).
Credits: The makers of Doom, DCK and DEU.

Simon Green, Long Nguyen (play testers)
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK22, bit of DEU v5.21
Bugs: None.
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