Title: Lurker's Paradise
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/j-l/lurker.zip
Size: 29.14 KB
Date: 07/24/94
Author: John Wakelin (DM)
Description: NOTE- I designed this with -ALTDEATH in mind, but it should still be fun in normal mode.
This WAD is the culmination of everything that my victims .. uh, I mean my friends and I wanted to see in a DEATHMATCH level. Lots of running room, large open circular rooms with wide twisty halls connecting them. Great sniping positions, and many LURKING spots. (I am a lurker at heart) There are no "safe" spots, no matter where you are you can be snuck up on. Everyone gets the shotgun and chaingun right off the bat, since they make for the best battles. The rocket launcher and the pulse rifle are there, but you will find they are very dificult to aquire without taking a lot of damage. NO BFG. Any way just down-load it and have fun.
Credits: ID SOFTWARE (If John Wayne were alive today he'd be a DOOMer) Fantastic game guys!!!
Brendon Wyber and Raphaël Quinet (Authors of DEU)
Colin Reed (Author of BSP1.2) You saved my WAD my friend!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 12 hours (give or take a week)
Editor(s) used: DEU521, BSP12 and lots of graph-paper
Bugs: None (known that is, let me know)
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