Title: MAV2C - A Deathmatch WAD (BETA TEST)
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/m-o/mav2c.zip
Size: 52.28 KB
Date: 04/13/07
Author: Tom Neff
Description: The exit switch is in the Northeast, you press the Satyr switch (SW) on the Roundhouse to get to it. Pardon my cacodemon. :-)

There are chainguns, shotguns, rockets, a plasma gun (hidden) and a chainsaw (hidden). The roundhouse has a blur sphere. On -altdeath you could reuse it...

A few monsters to soften you up, or you can play without them.

There is no nukage or crushers, but you can rocket yourself to death if you insist. I will probably segregate weapons by difficulty level in the final product, but for now they're all in there.

There are a few "breaks" for people who get hunted by stronger players. But whoever knows the layout best will probably triumph...

[Read MAV2C.TXT for more.]
Credits: AlanW for playtesting.
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