Title: sickened.WAD
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/s-u/sickened.zip
Size: 230.98 KB
Date: 07/30/98
Author: Kuranes
Description: *** DEATHMATCH ***

This my first Pwad designed for Deathmatch that is small enough to provide maximum fun for two players. The good thing about this one:

It is not only fun to play, it is also p e r f e c t l y d e s i g n e d and so nice to look at, that you might forget to go on playing Deathmatch!


E1M1: - no Acidfloor - Difficulty settings: - 1 and 2: Plasma in secret (see below), Rocket hard to get. - 3 and 4: BFG in secret (see below), Plasma hard to get.

E1M2: - Acidfloor - Difficulty settings: - 1 and 2: Plasma in secret (see below), Rocket hard to get. - 3 and 4: BFG in secret (see below), Plasma hard to get.

The secret: is not really a secret, it is a deathmatch- start that takes you to the center of the map, some sort of a cage, that you cannot escape. In it you will find either the Plasma Rifle or the BFG900, so that you can hit your enemies hard but you can not escape their attacs.

Still to come: a Single-/Multiplayer-Pwad, that includes this Pwad as one room. It will be called "Die, My Only Friend" (diefrnd.wad).
Credits: the ones who like Pwads of the kind I create (I consider Pwads as a work of art, so I think they shall not be looking like a bunch of crude sectors with some crude textures and as many monsters as possible) and the team of GOTHIC DOOM!

and KNORKATOR... (to all germans: get their album "the Schlechtst of...")
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: it took a very long time
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.12; BSP 1.2x
Bugs: look out for a HOM, may run slow on some PC's
Rating: (2 votes)
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Replaces E1M1, seems pretty good for a duel match.x
Despite being very symmetrical, the architecture is rather good for its time.x

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