Title: Spooky Deathmatch
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/s-u/spookydm.zip
Size: 10.4 KB
Date: 04/13/95
Author: Adam Williamson
Description: This is the deathmatch level of the Spooky series. It will probably be the secret level to my Spooky episode. I can't really "set a mood" - this level is designed for pure deathmatch (2.0 recommended). It's a medium size, but due to clever circular design coupled with strategic windows, in a 3 or 4 player game you can almost always see an opponent.
Credits: The usual suspects! iD, the author of Edmap (great editor!) and the Ledges series for a bit of inspiration.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Edmap 1.40
Bugs: NONE! My levels are always bug free. Also, all textures endeavour to "make sense", and all windows have a border to alleviate that ugly non-matching problem.
Rating: (1 vote)
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A big dark hole in the middle with brighter outer platforms. This could be fun for a wacky duel, given the need to use such tiny lifts, but overall I rate this fairly high for 1995 DM.x

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