Title: The Last Resort for Doom 1.666
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/s-u/tlr.zip
Size: 1.08 MB
Date: 12/09/94
Author: Michael Houston
Description: Nine entirely new DM specific levels, each representing a unique theme. Every level has its own strategy, size and "frag-rate":
Credits: Greg Houston - Graphics
Andrew Warrington - Testing & Story
David Sears - Music
Build time:
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Rating: (4 votes)
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This is an ancient but very ambitious set of Deathmatch levels. The level of craftsmanship is very impressive for 1994 - the detailing is spartan, but the textures make sense, and there's a lot of lightsourcing, especially in M1 and M2. M3 is a bit dire, because it's so easy to exit, M4 and M5 are anonymous. M8 is bizarre and surreal, with some ambient laughter and a big scary mouth. There's a sequel at id=1125.x
Someone please explain to me why no one has rated this Deathmatch episode. All the work of including a simple new boss, making a very creepy deathmatch level, a simple deathmatch level, a hunting deathmatch level... and even including opponent indicators! Lovely.x

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