Title: uac meat packing
Filename: levels/doom/deathmatch/s-u/uacmeat.zip
Size: 59.24 KB
Date: 06/30/05
Author: terualn and torvul
Description: this is my first wad! i made it for my little bro for his birthday to practise deathmatching on! then he wanted to make doom levels and then he done some mapping for for the map and it looked really cool and then it become really awesom! But then we added som stuff and it like stopped working in some sections. Youll need like an ultra fast Pentium or something to run this. It took forever to make nodes.
Credits: id cause they rock!!!!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: i cant rememer but its wasent too long lol
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.20, it rocks!
Bugs: no
Rating: (16 votes)
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OH, jokes and crap surrounding this wad aside, this is a rather decent DM map. I especialy love that little area where you could trap a hapless player in a pool of nukage with no way out, except at your whim :). Detailing is nice and well done too. For it's own merrits, I give it 4 starsx
This is a pretty good dm map, and it could be one of the few maps that I might ever consider playing with monsters. The text file is just a huge joke, I suppose, but the actual level is a well detailed and thought out dm level. 4 stars.x
It's not a joke wad. It's just a wad by someone jerking about. There is no attempt to be funny (successful or otherwise) in the map itself.x
Hell - pretty good for 1994. Damn good. I like that joke. Ak-01x
This isn't a 1994 wad. In the case the text-file isn't enough to give that away, the fact that the map instantly VPOs Doom.exe proves it beyond doubt.x

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