Title: Go to HELL!!!
Filename: levels/doom/g-i/gotohell.zip
Size: 15.9 KB
Date: 07/15/94
Author: Jawed Karim
Description: Awesome...
Credits: Dan for showing me how to build a sector in a sector.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU521
Bugs: None!
Rating: (10 votes)
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I did a search on the description field for "awesome", and this is the first wad that came up. It's slightly better than I expected; there's non-stop action and although a child could have built it, it's not boring and it takes very little time to complete. I've played far worse. However even July 1994 was quite late for something this crude, and so it can't really get more than two stars.x
Meh. 2 stars because it was made 10 years ago. =Px
not too good, but i'll give it a 3 since it was made in '94x
Goodness. There's worse out there, but not much.x
Piece of shit. The start room is annoying, and what is this about all these doors?. Not worth a download.x

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