Title: Hospital (Krankes Haus)
Filename: levels/doom/g-i/hospital.zip
Size: 106.1 KB
Date: 07/19/95
Author: Knud Hinnerk Moeller
Description: O.K., this Level is meant to resemble a hospital. Thats why I included a lot of selfmade graphics. Imagine your were kidnapped by some sort of Mad Doctor, who intends to do some nasty experiments with you. When they took you away, they gave You a shot so you were unconscious. Finally you wake up in some sort of a prisoncell. For some reason (I don't know myself) You have a gun in Your hand. For some other reason, all the doctors and nurses turned into weird monsters (probably they all fell victim to the Mad Doctor). Well, escape.
Credits: Mathew Ayres for Waded 1.83 (when is he going to release Waded V2?). It's the best editor I know. Also to Olivier Montanuy for Deutex! What a great program!
Base: Scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded 1.83 (WOW), DeuTex 2.9
Bugs: none
Rating: (2 votes)
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A good map, really. Not a big level by any standards, yet you have to use your brains. As it was released in 1995, I have to truly recommend this one.x
A medium-sized theme map (set in a hospital with other small sections thrown in). The start almost made me stop playing, but the map improves. New textures look okay, and the progression isn't too confusing (although you need to find secrets to get to the exit). Gameplay is on the easy side. Some fights and secrets are stupid, and some are clever (like a small maze section which changes appearance as you go through). All in all, a mixed bag, but clearly worth your time if you like old-school maps. --3/5x

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