Title: Hotelcal.wad
Filename: levels/doom/g-i/hotlcal2.zip
Size: 51.04 KB
Date: 08/03/94
Author: Bobby Griggs
Description: I hope you enjoy this wad file. It is my first real effort at constructing a level. It may not be as good as some that you have seen, but I think it is half decent. Have at it. Enjoy the maiming and killing.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: No idea
Editor(s) used: DoomEd260, DMMUSIC
Bugs: none that I know of
Rating: (5 votes)
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Shit. Avoid it like the black death. [3]x
Shit. Avoid it like the black death.x
This is a very old level, from August 1994. It's so old that the author includes his home address in the comments; the internet felt safer back then. The level itself is notable for a large amount of monsters but very little else. It's basically a set of random, undetailed polygonal rooms. You start off with all the weapons. Gets a star for one very large room which is comma surprisingly comma decent. Tonnes of sergeants + no health at all = frustration.x

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