Title: illicit engineering
Filename: levels/doom/g-i/ill_engn.zip
Size: 276.04 KB
Date: 06/05/15
Author: null1024
Description: A new Doom 1 episode. Eight levels of killing monsters in corrupted bases and demonic strongholds as you try to thwart Hell's plans to construct twisted machines using stolen and warped UAC technology.
Credits: the good folk in /vr/'s Doom thread, you know who you are
Base: New from scratch.
Build time: Two weeks, give or take.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE 3
Bugs: None that I know of.
Rating: (10 votes)
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Labyrinth-like level design, with OK lighting. Pointy, box-like sectors with questionable texture placement. As for gameplay, it's nothing really unique or new, and it should have took advantage of switches, lifts, and other stuff more. It wasn't very fun to sit through, but it had its moments. Despite all of this, I still felt like the author tried. Hopefully they learn from this and improve on future WADs. 3/5 Stars. ~undead~x
Before you lies a horrendous visage of never-ending labirynths, randomly shaped rooms and corridors, ugly textures, tediously placed demons and shockingly quite nice lighting effects for a good contrast. The hell crumbles when you shoot 3 ALT+F4s into its brain. This is an anti-thesis of what a WAD should be.x
At what point in their lives do Doom map designers fail to notice that doors are not 3 or 4 metres thick? Even bank vault doors are only 1 metre thick. I don't know about the other maps, but the first one is straight out of a time capsule.x
The three previous reviews describe this WAD's shortcoming accurately, with these exceptions: this is not an E1 remake (it's a mix of E1 and E3 themes) and there *are* a few secrets, it's just that the author didn't seem to be aware they need sector special 9. An extra half-star for vanilla compat and no bugs.x
Dull and poorly constructed with minor attention to detail in the lighting but nothing of note otherwise.x
438973897-th E1 remake. It's not really awful, but has too simple architecture, too simple ambiance, and too simple and highly repetitive and predictable gameplay. It even doesn't have one single secret... Overall it's unattractive, and doesn't add something new. Only thing better than meh is the lightning on places, but that's not enough for raising it to 3* average. Pity of the effort.x
Rooms are blocky, texturing is plain and gameplay is a bit uninspired, but the author seems to have a decent grasp of the basics and understands lighting effects decently. I'm guessing this was a first project sort of deal and for that I'll give 3 stars. - Obsidianx

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