Title: JOUST1
Filename: levels/doom/j-l/joust1.zip
Size: 45.11 KB
Date: 03/04/97
Author: Rick Kautz
Description: all made from scratch many hours in building, also alot of test playing. I hope you enjoy playing this one!
Credits: Alfred Svoboda for his base frame.
Base: Started from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded and Wad Author
Bugs: None that I know of.
Rating: (3 votes)
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This is the Doom I version of id=7715. It feels like a deathmatch level - small and four-way symmetrical. It's dull to play because everything is duplicated four times, and there aren't many monsters. Fiddly layout. Identical to the Doom II version as far as I can see. The readme mentions Cyberdemons, but there aren't any, anywhere, on any difficulty level (there wouldn't be any space for them anyway).x
Decent, but no sign of cyberdemons. At least on HMP -- Brun Ohnx

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