Title: Jupiter Carnage!
Filename: levels/doom/j-l/jupcarna.zip
Size: 135 KB
Date: 04/14/16
Author: Bzzrak Ktazzz
Description: -- achtung! the map replaces E4M1! -- After the events of Doom I, Doomguy got a big amount of money from all Earth governments, after all, he's the one who saved their skins. Doomguy decides that it's time to make some money and buys what's left of UAC. Now it's the Utterly Awesome Corporation. Our hero builds a base around Jupiter and joins 17 other people there, as their leader. But one day, after 8 years of peace, Doomguy hears THAT sound again. The Hell armada is back. Not on Earth. Not on Deimos. On his personal Jupiter base. He was caught in a small hangar. But, once a hero -- always a hero. Doomguy grabs his pistol which he hasn't fired for 8 years. It's time to kick some major alien ass. Again. ------------------------------------- Why are you still reading this? Come on, %port_name% -file JUPCARNA.WAD! Jupiter is waiting for you!
Credits: the guy who created the official tutorials for Doom Builder 2 (AlysiumX on Youtube), id Software for [one of] the best games ever, folks from DW for giving me WADs to get inspired with, the authors of those WADs, you for giving my brainchild a shot. Also a big, big thanks goes to the folks behind InstaDoom, you'll know why :)
Base: . He was caught in a small hangar. But, once a hero -- always a hero. Doomguy grabs his pistol which he hasn't fired for 8 years. It's time to kick some major alien ass. Again. ------------------------------------- Why are you still reading this? Come on, %port_name% -file JUPCARNA.WAD! Jupiter is waiting for you!
Build time: 12 days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE, ENDOOMER
Bugs: No, this map is ideal. :]
Rating: (8 votes)
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"To be continued?" Everything here needs improvement. Do less copy & paste and less pseudo-realistic elements and more stuff that is pretty visually. The lift/door switch combo was annoying. Monster fights are pointless and skippable. There's also a weird gimmick of putting sky as floor texture.x
Loved it! Only problem is that it's to short. Make the sequel longer!x

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