Title: Killer Episode
Filename: levels/doom/j-l/killer.zip
Size: 213.64 KB
Date: 07/06/95
Author: John Kugelman
Credits: Billy Trobianni, Chris Klie
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Doomed- The Real thing, DEU 5.2GCC, BSP 1.2
Bugs: None known of. (Spent weeks trying to fix everything) In level 5, it will get jerky in a few places, but there is no way to fix without changing it.
Rating: (4 votes)
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Should've been called "Puzzler". This unfairly maligned episode actually makes you think a bit, which isn't a bad thing. The puzzles are fairly hinted at and are actually pretty fun to solve. The one mentioned above is probably the most cryptic, but even that only took a few seconds. Was quite refreshing, so I recommend it!x

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