Title: E1M8 Replacement
Filename: levels/doom/m-o/m8replc.zip
Size: 25.51 KB
Date: 10/11/14
Author: Smedis2
Description: I got bored and made this WAD. It's a replacement for E1M8, as hinted by the title. First foray into vanilla mapping.
Credits: ID Software, the dudes who made SLADE3 and Doom Builder 2.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: An hour or two.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE 3
Bugs: A few unpegged doors, probably.
Rating: (10 votes)
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19 monsters, map is completable in under 2 minutes. There's no real point in playing it. Visuals are okay, at least.x
Absolutely nofi, but can someone please explain me what the goal is of spending an hour of two in making a level which is plain awful - and then uploading it? A level which has a layout of three times nothing, simple texture use, no ambiance, and very, very poor gameplay? What on earth is it that author tries to gain? 'Hi, put this one on my CV'? I really don't understand, I wouldn't dare doing it. Even worse: WTF is this given 4* = pretty darn good? /nofix
Great speedmapx
Very amateurish and naive. Today's mapping should be much better than this, even vanilla. But I don't want to discourage you, keep trying and you'll get it right. Gameplay just shouldn't only consists of shooting-gallery in a few basic corridors and rooms. On the plus side, there was an attempt to a "rational" progression and setting, but overally the map feels "meh" and isn't worth playing.x

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