Title: Metal Vault
Filename: levels/doom/m-o/metvault.zip
Size: 33.11 KB
Date: 04/15/15
Author: Ioan Chera
Description: You've been sent to investigate and clear a mysterious hellish vault that got raised on Phobos. Your task is to clear the area of demonic resistance and proceed forward to the logical end. Beware that not everything you need will be in plain sight!
Credits: Pascal vd Heiden for Doom Builder
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Two days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Rating: (6 votes)
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Ugly level where you shoot lots of demons and lost souls and barons with shotgun. That's the only weapon you get. All areas are very tight.x
Short level consisting of some very small rooms and short cramped corridors. Only a few textures are used, and it looks ugly - or at best uninteresting. Gameplay @ UV is one long switchhunt, feels totally fabricated, and didn't give fun. Overall: somewhere between awful and plain meh. BTW @ ^1: secret is accessible.x
Yeah, you really should test your maps a bit more throughly, it didn't pass the thing_hate ai test. I got killed w/o knowing who where during the test. Didn't get to play it to the end this way. ~0/5x
Simple and linear level with a convincing retro look, that has practically no weapons, requires some unusual activation of objects and has a seemingly inaccessible secret.x

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